About the Project

Our seedlings were started and tended by horticulture students in the greenhouse of Montgomery Blair High School.

The soil mix is certified organic from Summer Creek Farm in Thurmont, MD. The majority of the seeds were sourced from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, a local seed-saving company. No sprays or chemical fertilizers were used on the seedlings. Make sure to reuse your plastic seed trays and pots next year!

The Team:
Spring 2015 is the second year of the Sustainable Seedling Project.  We have an amazing team this year.  Members include Sophia Maravell, Education Director at Brickyard Educational Farm, Diane Lill and Debbie Boger of the Audubon Naturalist Society's Green Kids Program, and Davey Rogner, founder of the Harvest Collective, a local nonprofit dedicated to growing Silver Spring's green thumb. Along with Blair Teachers Mr. Christopher Brown and Mrs. Elizabeth Levien, this year's project has been an incredible experience.

The team has worked together for months to devise weekly lessons centered around sustainability, food justice, and basic crop science.  The Audubon Society and the Brickyard Educational Farm has generously supplied all materials.

The Mission:
Plant sale proceeds will go to the schools and towards materials for next year's seed starting project. In addition, we are donating many seedlings to educational and community gardens in Montgomery County. Thank you for your support!

The students' hopes are that through growing and tending to these seedlings, they will be aiding our local community in learning how to live sustainably.  Plus, people can learn how to grow their own delicious, nutritious, and affordable produce.